Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mengejar Sesuatu yang Indah

Rasa bersalah pabila ku merasakan diriku ini,
meminggirkan diri daripadakawan-kawan,
kawan-kawan yamg kini bukan macam teman-teman
yang dulu
jika dibandingkan dulu dengan sekarang,
dulu lebih baik,
dapat bermain bola bersama-sama,
meredah hutan rimba,
melakukan aktiviti lasak bersama teman,
memancing ikan di sungai,
mandi dalam tangki,
membuat bising memecahkan malam,
indah..sungguh indah,
bagaikan mentari menyinari hari,
bagai kucing bergembira mendapat ikan,
kini tidak seperti dulu,
kawan-kawan tidak begitu mesra,
tiada yang ingin bergurau senda,
tiada yang ingin main bersama,
sangat serius dan bermasam muka,
inikah kehidupan yang ku inginkan?
sudah tentu tidak.
ku berharap ada orang yang dapat menemaniku,
di saat ku berduka dan gembira,
di saat-saat ku ingin memerlukan teman,
mungkin itulah yang ku anggap,
mengejar sesuatu yang indah.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

It has been two years we didn't celebrate together. I am so sorry because I am far from you. I just hope papa will take care of all of us and we are all together again. Your sweet advice and care for me makes me remind of you. Although I am far away from you, I want to pray that you will have a long life. Thank you dad for everything. Thank you dad with the clothes, shelter and everything. Take care. I love you.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Web 2.0

I just found a cool new website that you all should go out, surf and see. For the bloogers, this is the perfect web to find new tips and trick.

This is one of the website called icerocket. Quite popular among the blogger around the world. You can find different type of blogger' writing and ideas. Check it out http://www.icerocket.com/
This is another website that I would prefer the bloggers out there. A lot of information that can be found. examples like entertainment, business, lifestyle, gaming, celebrity and many more. All of this can be found at http://technorati.com/

Saturday, September 05, 2009

simple plan

..thought that a simple writing will help out with my blog. Something just like ABC. Anyway, got to say that simple plan really a good way to manage my blog.

Friday, September 04, 2009


It is so beautiful today. The sky is blue, the sun rise, the coffee aroma that I have just done it just now and the sweet smell of the roses outside the window. 
From the top of the hill, I can see a lots of things, houses and the whole university. It was calm and cold. It is morning for your info. I can hear the bird singing, the water splashing from the bathroom. The routine is just started. I can see the half-closed eyed and messy hair with the toothbrush in his teeth. He is my friend, that both of us together go in the four year journey in the life of universitas. A good morning is a good way to greet them, and to cheer them up. I am preety sure they look tired. Tired and exhausted with the academic stuff that go along the way. 

My morning continue with meeting alll walks of life. It is so interesting, don't you think? When we actually meet them, then we know what is the person characteristics. Like the saying goes " Don't judge the book by it's cover". It means that do not judge people by the first impression, but try to know her better rather than making social prejudice. Befriend with others and they will give a lot of benefits. For example, if I have a friend that sell vegetables, maybe when the need of vege is demanding in the market, maybe I can get a low price if I buy from my friend. 

Enough of the crap that I talk about. hahaha. Macam buat essay time exam pulak.

Morning turn to afternoon, afternoon change to evening and when the sun go down, a black ceiling with the diamonds on top is the  night time. The timeto have dinner with a variety of food out there. There is chicken meat all the way, so I thought that maybe I will try to reduce the intake of chicken. A lot of vegetables and fruits that is rich in fibres, vitamin and minerals. Banana every weekend, sometime dragon fruit and it was so yummy and delicious. I still remember at home when my mum buy the apples. Me and my brother only eat one and then let it rotten. Sometime, I didn't even touch the apples..Now I realise the important of those fruits. This is because I aware of my stomach going unusual and maybe I will seek for doctor this weekend.

I'll think I will stop here. See you in the next blog.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Wow, I can't imagine I will go to KL this weekend. Hope to see my friends there.