Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blue Christmas

Christmas this year not as good as before. There was no laugh and joy as I ever hear before.

    Usually, me and my family will go to St Joseph as early as 6 am. The choirs are great though. There will be a lot of people will be there, from different walk of life.
    But now things are a lttle more sad, till I didn't feel the celebration. It feel like nothing. Blue Chrstmas.

   Although there is carrolling and church activity that makes my weekend a bit busy, but deep in my heart, I still miss celebrating Chrismas with my family, relatives and my beloved friends.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Coming Back

So sad leaving Kuching.
I miss everything.
I miss my parents
I miss my brothers and my sister
I miss my bike
I miss drive car
I miss meeting my friends,
not everyone I meet out yet,
I miss Christmas
it has been a long time I didn't go back for Christmas,
two years has it been already,
hmm, I wonder how is my Christmas this year.
I miss my girlfriend,
I miss her hugs and kiss,
drinking together and have a dinner together,
so sad we didn't make it to the movie.
I miss wake up late,
for the past one month, I have been ignoring the clock,
wake up quite late in  the morning,
everyday is so free,
I wonder when is the other time to do like that.

Monday, December 07, 2009

96 hours 4 minutes an 30 seconds in Kampong

Well, it has been four days I was in kampong. My friends keep on asking me to go out with them. But, me too cannot go out to hang out. no $$ already.. Since my sweet left me since thursday, it has been a silent mode in me. Dahla balik kampong gik, so line celcom sik la brapa clear. Maybe starting from this last week of me, I try to hang out with my friends and take some pictures as a memory.
     When I was in kampong, there a lot of activities too. Not too bad also. We did some painting. My mom, 3 small brother, my sister and I had made the work done really well. I also do some gardening, although agak malas. Got so many experience. Barbeque pork and chicken too is the most tastiest meal ever. It has been a long time I didn't eat that. Surely I will miss it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Try to guess Me

Now, I am in the city of bird..guess where I am now..LOL I will be back on a few days later to give some input to my blog. Thank you.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I feel wrong

      Yesterday was a terrible day for me. I did something really wrong. I have a hot tempered to my sister, and I make my girl dissapointed in me. Haiz. Maybe I should be dead by now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

eXamination! 2009

To all the SPM and STPM cowboys and cowgirls, I would like to wish you all a good luck and may God bless you!

Preparation before exam

1. Study smart.
2. Eat healthy food.
3. Exercise.
4. Ask blessing from parents and teachers.

During Exam

1. Make sure stationery are complete.
2. Bring your exam slip and identification card.
3. Wear proper attire.
4. Do come early to the exam hall.

After Exam
1. Thank God.
2. Have fun with your friends.
3. Be ready for the result. Fail is not a failure. You always try and try again to get improvement.

Beware of Scam

Beware! Do not trust contest like "Gores dan Menang"( scratch and win ), lucky draw that is done by some unrecognised company. I can see they have been operating in my place in Kuching. For example in 4th Mile Everrise. There is a piece of "close'' paper and you need to scratch it to get the number that is hidden. The number might have been set up by the fella in charge. Those who are stupid  buyers will think that they have win the game and win those price. But actually, you are not win anything. I would rather say that you are buying those things..in a different ways of course. You do win the lucky draw, but you need to buy other things. They provide the voucher, saying that this is a RM100 voucher..and you need to buy  things to get the voucher. It sound complicated to story it all to you. Just be careful and think before you leap.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bunny Teeth!

I almost broke my teeth, my bunny teeth. Twice. Poor guy and such a bad day today..hmm. An oppenent go and kick at my face during a free sparring training.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

20 Things To Do During School Holiday

Here I list out the things that we can do during the school holidays.

  1. Visit historical musuem. There are many facts and knowledge that we can find. 
  2. Go shopping! 
  3. Decorate your house.
  4. Play kites, marbles and the tradisional stuff. It is fun.
  5. Figure it out how to do designing on the computer. Use different kind of software to make you familiarized.
  6. Don't waste your money on the phone top up. Go and sell the top-up.
  7. Sweet fishing by the lake and river.
  8. Hiking is the best way to do exercise, while we have our sight seeing.
  9. Make a diary.
  10. Read story books.
  11. Meet your friends. Gather together and have some fun.
  12. Picnic by the sea side.
  13. Barbeque with your family.
  14. Go to the orchard and pick durian, rambutan, mangoesteen.
  15. Play computer games and online. Search for the news and the things that is going on now.
  16. Watch movie in  theater.
  17. Have a good afternoon nap. zzzZZZ
  18. Play music instrument like guitar, drum, piano and etc.
  19. Do video shooting.
  20. Take pictures and spread the word.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Unsportmanship, shall I call?

                 The Malaysian Cup, a football cup that has been longing in Malaysia for a few decades ago, make it appearance again in the final yesterday. It is Kelantan versus Negeri Sembilan. For, me, it is quite shock when we see a lot of people in the stadium. Thousands of tickets has been sold. Even, some did do the tickets selling higher than the normal price. They trying to gain a profit. Business minded, they think huh?
                It is the first time the football match in Malaysia has come to a grand, wild looking. It is happy+sad feeling. I don't know how to describe. Negeri Sembilan win by 3-1 in the cup.The first goal, is amazing. Quite nice. But, I think there is a habit done by the Kelantanese. A very bad habit. Throwing firecrakers.
               Isn't that firecrakers is prohibited? There is no serious action been taken. There is no sprtmanship among the Malaysian. It is quite shameful. Until two of the cameraman injured. Aisyh, what has happen.
              Embarassing is it? Is this the culture that we are practising? Certainly not. Hope there is awareness and somebody need to do some action before it turn worse.

Friday, November 06, 2009


  The documentary of Michael Jackson that is been waiting for the hard core fans. It is about the rehearsal of the "THIS IS IT" concert. Grab the ttickets while it still last.
(image taken from http://www.thisisit-movie.com/)

Limited Connectivity

It has been quite long since I didn't update my blog. Still finding and testing my blog, since my blog is a test tube for me. The Streamyx line has not perform well these few days. The DSL light is not blinking, the internet  LED light is not light up. It has just like I am crazy without the internet. I wonder, how I would cope without it. 
    It was on the 4th November when there is no internet. I thought that it was only a short problem at the server. So, I wait. I wait .
    Then, the next day, that is yesterday, I can't stand it anymore. Still no light at the wireless modem. I called "100",  TM service centre hotline. The first call, they ask me to direct connect the wire to the modem and to the laptop. I tried. And it still didn't worked. Next, I called the hotline again. Then, another method came. the asked me to open the " Command Prompt" and ask me to write some code. The code did work, I remember the C programming class that we have in UTM before..LOLZ. The operator ask me to shut down my laptop. 
           " If the problem still persist, please called us again".

     It was the third time I called them again, since the internet is still malfunction. What I hate is that, they keep asking me to hold on. What the heck they ask me to wait. Dahlah every call mean every cent that we need to pay. Suka hati jak suruh orang hold the call. It was quite troublesome. Alas, the operator do a report about the matter. He said that wait TWO or THREE working days for the internet to be restore properly. 
    Finally the internet is functioning again now. The service done by the technician is quite fast. They go to our housing and to the checking. Thanks a lot. But, the hotline is still need to be more improved. They can't always asked the customers to wait and hold the call. It will put a black stain on the service. Anyway, thats all I want to say. Thank You.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

what a great day

               It is nice to be back again in Kuching. Well, eating, sleeping..all the routine stuff that I miss it always. University life have been quite demanding. Sometime we feel stressful too. Calling our parents, special ones...hey I miss it!
               But, when you arrive at your hometown, you forgot what are the things that you want to do. Isn't that right? Hm,during this holiday, I will gonna make as useful as possible. Not going to loitering or what Maybe doing some job and earn a little bit of money. Because money didn't come that easy. I am still waiting for my scholarship application. Hope that they will approve it.
               Oh ya, forgot to mention, this holiday I will meet all my friends and doing some craziest stuff together. Of course the good things and maye bad things..LOL. That's all I think that I want to say.
Arious Amigas and Amigos too! 


Monday, October 26, 2009

2012 : A Change

             The director of "Independent Day" and " The Day After Tomorrow" have given the impressive impact to the mankind. He, Ronald Emmerish have given mankind a chance to think again about the world. The earth itself. Especially on his latest movie, which will b on the big screen this Nov, 2012 (see trailer ). Indirectly, the movie itself want to create awareness that something is going wrong with this world. We need to act fast. On my own judgement, the film doesn't create a sense of enjoyment to the director and money. It is a serious matter.
         We have seen serious impact to the world. Global climate change, green house effect, emission of poisonous gas of vehicle, rubbish being thrown at the river and etc. Even Mother Nature might be angry. That's why she sent off thyphoon and trigger and earthquake as a reminder to all mankind to stop doing pollution. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wow Wednesday!

This is the story of me. Today. Wednesday.

Wednesday, 0500

I wake up early today. Never in this university I wake up this early. You guess why? We have our study week and I plan yesterday to wake up early. This can help me to absorb the thing that I very hard to go to my brain.. hmm..
Still doing the mesh and nodal analysis. As usual.


After I have a drink of warm plain water just now, I feel that I need to go to the washroom. Oh ya, I still remember something. In the past, my parent ask me to drink a glass of warm water before I am going to run on the sport day. In idea is was the warm plain water help  to make me easily to do "business" in the toilet. After a good sweet  time in the  toilet, I accidentally turn to my left. The door to the balcony is open. It is a nice view from the 7th floor. Sunrise! Sunrise! Sunrise with white morning mist.


I go to the library. Still blur and don't know what to study.


Still wander around..hmm..what has happen to me? I walked around the library's book shelf and I saw one book that label with "TF". It is a nice photography book and I think that the book is really amazing. It is called the photo press World Press Photo 2001. It is a compilation of the winner of the press photography. the pictures really capture my heart. Some of the pictures are very touching, some is really gross. But overall, it is a very very nice book. Click to this link to see more.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Quench My Thirst

I just come back from my Taekwondo (I.T.F) just now. It is a great fun relaxing my body while have my long-time-no-training. I will be given a task next week, that is becoming the assistant instructor for the up grading test. On the way back, I meet long lost friend. I don't know her name oops.. although she always go out with Sheena and Haris. At that time I was have a sip of 100Plus, isotonic drink to quench my thirst. She said,

" Oi, dah lama dah ku nanga kau dari jauh,"
"Ku sik tauk pun kau belajar kat sitok," I reply.

That is the typical Bahasa Melayu Sarawak that I always speak at my hometown, especially with my friend. Need translation? LoL.

Bee's Work

I am quite busy now, so maybe not going to post anything soon. But hey, wait till weekend.
I will back real soon..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mengejar Sesuatu yang Indah

Rasa bersalah pabila ku merasakan diriku ini,
meminggirkan diri daripadakawan-kawan,
kawan-kawan yamg kini bukan macam teman-teman
yang dulu
jika dibandingkan dulu dengan sekarang,
dulu lebih baik,
dapat bermain bola bersama-sama,
meredah hutan rimba,
melakukan aktiviti lasak bersama teman,
memancing ikan di sungai,
mandi dalam tangki,
membuat bising memecahkan malam,
indah..sungguh indah,
bagaikan mentari menyinari hari,
bagai kucing bergembira mendapat ikan,
kini tidak seperti dulu,
kawan-kawan tidak begitu mesra,
tiada yang ingin bergurau senda,
tiada yang ingin main bersama,
sangat serius dan bermasam muka,
inikah kehidupan yang ku inginkan?
sudah tentu tidak.
ku berharap ada orang yang dapat menemaniku,
di saat ku berduka dan gembira,
di saat-saat ku ingin memerlukan teman,
mungkin itulah yang ku anggap,
mengejar sesuatu yang indah.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

It has been two years we didn't celebrate together. I am so sorry because I am far from you. I just hope papa will take care of all of us and we are all together again. Your sweet advice and care for me makes me remind of you. Although I am far away from you, I want to pray that you will have a long life. Thank you dad for everything. Thank you dad with the clothes, shelter and everything. Take care. I love you.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Web 2.0

I just found a cool new website that you all should go out, surf and see. For the bloogers, this is the perfect web to find new tips and trick.

This is one of the website called icerocket. Quite popular among the blogger around the world. You can find different type of blogger' writing and ideas. Check it out http://www.icerocket.com/
This is another website that I would prefer the bloggers out there. A lot of information that can be found. examples like entertainment, business, lifestyle, gaming, celebrity and many more. All of this can be found at http://technorati.com/

Saturday, September 05, 2009

simple plan

..thought that a simple writing will help out with my blog. Something just like ABC. Anyway, got to say that simple plan really a good way to manage my blog.

Friday, September 04, 2009


It is so beautiful today. The sky is blue, the sun rise, the coffee aroma that I have just done it just now and the sweet smell of the roses outside the window. 
From the top of the hill, I can see a lots of things, houses and the whole university. It was calm and cold. It is morning for your info. I can hear the bird singing, the water splashing from the bathroom. The routine is just started. I can see the half-closed eyed and messy hair with the toothbrush in his teeth. He is my friend, that both of us together go in the four year journey in the life of universitas. A good morning is a good way to greet them, and to cheer them up. I am preety sure they look tired. Tired and exhausted with the academic stuff that go along the way. 

My morning continue with meeting alll walks of life. It is so interesting, don't you think? When we actually meet them, then we know what is the person characteristics. Like the saying goes " Don't judge the book by it's cover". It means that do not judge people by the first impression, but try to know her better rather than making social prejudice. Befriend with others and they will give a lot of benefits. For example, if I have a friend that sell vegetables, maybe when the need of vege is demanding in the market, maybe I can get a low price if I buy from my friend. 

Enough of the crap that I talk about. hahaha. Macam buat essay time exam pulak.

Morning turn to afternoon, afternoon change to evening and when the sun go down, a black ceiling with the diamonds on top is the  night time. The timeto have dinner with a variety of food out there. There is chicken meat all the way, so I thought that maybe I will try to reduce the intake of chicken. A lot of vegetables and fruits that is rich in fibres, vitamin and minerals. Banana every weekend, sometime dragon fruit and it was so yummy and delicious. I still remember at home when my mum buy the apples. Me and my brother only eat one and then let it rotten. Sometime, I didn't even touch the apples..Now I realise the important of those fruits. This is because I aware of my stomach going unusual and maybe I will seek for doctor this weekend.

I'll think I will stop here. See you in the next blog.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Wow, I can't imagine I will go to KL this weekend. Hope to see my friends there.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Independent day: Do we realize it?

Do we realize it?
As Malaysians will celebrate the national day on the 31st of August, that is tommorow, I hope the people will realize what is the meaning of the independent day. For the sacrifices that our great grandfather have done to the country, until most of them died on the war zone. But, do we realize about it?
Soon we all will celebrate, with the
national anthem, Negaraku being play during that time,
but how many people sing that song? How many people realize what is the true meaning of the anthem?
tell me,
is it worth it to celebrate the national day when your heart doesn't in it?
All of us should be in unity,
for the unity is the strength, and the strength will strengthen the roots,
just like the tree,
may the politician wake up and do their job,
no fake promises, no lies, no bribery,
but honesty and credibility that the people want to see,
hope there is no racial prejudice occurs,
because if there is then there will be a big issue.
In this special occasion,
let us say sorry to one another,
not only to our family and friends,
but also the person that we always dump,
so that they realize that we take good care of them,
so that every person realize what it is to be a true Malaysian.
Happy Merdeka Day.

Friday, August 28, 2009


all in a sudden i feel very empty in the inside,
maybe there is something hide in my heart,
perhaps I miss the one I love,
maybe a loaf of bread should do the job,
with full cream milk and Jacob,
I still remember last two days,
we are having jokes and laughters,
happy and sad,
we share the boringness in the lecture hall,
sometime we share our problem,
somehow I feel empty today,
empty because my room is empty,
the seats that is fill by them are now empty,
the empty roads,
hope that it will not overload,
how to solve it? Is it with book, pencil and eraser?
i feel in pressure now,
although I know next week is the exam day,
but I am still in front of my laptop,
because it feel empty here,
just like a coke can that is empty,
just that it have no sound,
mYBE Saturday will cheer me up,
with the bright morning sunshine that will wake me up,
with full cream milk and a biscuit,
will put the smile on my face,


I just found out what is happening to my laptop. There is a Trojan called Trojan.Agent OMG, what is happening!!I hope I can be rescued from that minute little thing that cause a great chaos in my laptop. Maybe this Saturday or Sunday, I would not be able to send a new posting in my blog. By the way, as the celebration of the Independence is almost near, please drop by to the youtube to watch 15Malaysia movie. Made by prestigous well-known Malaysian directors and actors, you should not miss it out. It is a kind of short film and informally try to give a message of what it is all about being a Malaysian. I am sure you all gonna have a lot of fun watching those movie. So sad I will not entering new post. I hpoe that when my roomate coming back from Sibu, Sarawak, he will lend me his laptop to do new blog posting. Happy holiday everyone and enjoy yourself in the weekend. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mencari Dalam Gelap

Entah mengapa laptop ku sangat menyusahkan,
buka laman web blogger pun susah,
www.blogspot.com yang ku tekan langsung tiada memberi sebarang jawapan,
bagaikan menunggu jawapan dari seorang perempuan yang dicintai,
cuma memaparkan result sahaja,
bingung kepalaku hingga sekarang,
cuma yang ku harapkan,
komputer riba kawanku yang terbentang,
terbentang luas untukku memakainya,
cuma dengan "Alacadabra",
ku mampu untuk menggunakan alatnya
walaupun hanya beberapa minit sahaja..

Bird's Eye

As it will be a cool, gloomy day, I just hope one thing from the class later. I hope I can gain knowledge and know what is in the situation. Looks like there are still discriminating occurs here. Those with the title (let's called it M) with their own group. Group "C" with their own game. And the minority like me and my friend do not know which one we want to friends with. I think there is a little awkward in this society. Why they cannot mix with each other? The ethnics in Malaysia are still poor to be called a human friendly. Even in the institution of higher learning, they didn't make any effort to strengthen the relationship between the different ethnics around them. Pretending to be in high standard, what for? There should have a good activities run by the authorities to create solidarity among the people. The people also need to create awareness among them. Discrimination should not occur. If it is not being realize, soon there will be a massive chaos that will bring negative effect to our country. Hope there is an action to be taken seriously in the nearest time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kerusi Buruk

Ku teringat hari ini hari Selasa. Penuh dengan dugaan dan cabaran menantiku. Kerna ku punya kelas bermula pada hari Selasa. Entah mengapa ku rasa hari ini begitu kosong buat diriku. Bagaikan tin Coca Cola yang telah habis diminum. Eish, dahla terpaksa duduk di kerusi. Alangkah baiknya jika duduk di lantai sahaja. Dapat juga bersantai. Dapat juga melihat leng loi yang cantik-cantik. Pagi ini ku membuat satu perubahan dalam diriku. Setelah sekian lama ku tak membuat kerja tu, tiba-tiba ku lakukan. Pekerjaan:meniru. ( Amaran: Jangan mencontohi tauladan yang tidak baik ini) Dalam subjek Hubungan Etnik tadi la ku melakukan gejala yang sangat tidak baik. Memandangan tiga puluh markah dan agak bahaya kalau tidak belajar, ku ambilkan satu keping kertas kecil lalu menulis "short note" di dalamnya. Walaupun demikian, nasib tidak menyebelahi ku. Ku sangka isi yang ku tulis mampu menjana minda ku yang usang itu. Mungkin berlakunya ageing process dalam otak ku. Ku sepatutnya sedar dengan perbuatan ku itu. Diharap ku kan tidak membuat perkara tu lagi.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blog reconstruct

Sorry guys! My blog under construction. I will be back in a short while. Thank You.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Is Going Wrong

Only a few weeks of presentation and test coming in, I can feel the heat right now. As I still on my laptop screen, playing Viwawa and Facebook, I think I am kind of addicted to it. It just like a kind of new drug that stimulate my whole body to do exciting things. " PLAY, PLAY, PLAY".. Hmm.. I did my gym yesterday and also badminton with my friends, but still when I went back to my room, I started to on my laptop and play CS and Warcraft. Hope that there is a cure to my addictness. Hope it is not too late to change back as this couse SEL is my future.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


As the second become minute,
the minute become big,
as big as it can break the heart,
till it hard to believe,
it turn into pieces,
so you think you are a princess?
No one here to save you,
my beloved.
As the prince is far away,
from your place.
Sorry for not replace me for you,
for I am just being honest with you.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Remember You Always

tribute to Yasmin Ahmad,
one of the Malaysian best movie maker.
the one unite all people by her movie,
a strong women,
you will be in our memory
as one of my greatest mentor
in movie-making.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kesepian di Hujung Semenanjung

I feel a little bit of lonely,
maybe there is nobody beside,
i don't know who's shoulder that
my head should lie on.
those day i remember,
when we laugh together,
jogging, fishing, footballers
that i will always keep in my heart,
Maybe this is the time to say goodbye,
to the good young old school days,
wearing uniform in blue and white,
which we quite dislike at that time,
" can i use something different,
why everyone look the same?"
the journey is far away,
just don't sway,
with the big change in global,
murder, raping, loitering,
vandalism, snatch thieves,
hope there is Batman and Spiderman,
that will make the world the better place.

I will fly away,
up above the sky,
fly, fly away with the jetfighter,
things will get lighter,
all my things that I worried,
will go off faster like
the take off of an airplane.
i will bring the plane,
high above the sky,
move around those beautiful blue sky,
there is nothing to shy,
or cry in the midst of woods,
as there is someone will be beside you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Awan Berkaler Biru

itulah benda yang ku pakai,
baju biruku dengan seluar berkaler biru,
yang ku pakai,
pada hari yang ku buru.

Tadi senior panggil aku,
pergi makan kat luar kampusku,
sayangnya room mate ku,
tak mahu mengikutiku.

esok kan mendatang,
hari yang gembira buat diriku,
ku harap ia terang,
bagaikan bulan menerangi malam.

di jalan kempas,
yang sentiasa menjadi persimpangan yang kulalui,
pada setiap pagi yang biru,
ku tanam semangat,
untuk mengubah nasib,
yang sekian lama terkubur.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tiba masanya untuk bertukar wajah

Diriku sepi di sini
dibuai dengan rindu dan kenangan lalu,
tapi tak ingin ku tahu,
apakah yang berbau di ketiak ku ini.

Tiba masa untuk bertukar wajah,
wajah baru yang sentiasa berubah-rubah,
akan ku cuba untuk menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik,
daripada menjadi seorang yang daif.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Give me the "C"

Today is Tuesday. Right. We are actually having our C programming class. Still we didn't see any lecturer. Sitting in front of the computer, so it is time to do the blogging. Well, kind of excited to do the programming thingy, but the lecturer is not here. At this computer also cannot open my facebook. Thank God, I can view my friendster profile. Me and my roomate are in the same class. That was nice. And we love to listen to one same song, by Adam Lambert : Mad World.. here are the lyrics.

MAD WORLD by Adam Lambert.

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell ya
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very very mad world, mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher, tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell ya
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very very mad world,
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world

Coordinate 701-08

In the tophill of the camps, living on the 7th floor.. I feel quite lucky because I have the opportunity to see the scenery of the campus. It is beautiful as there are light on all night. Too bad very hard to see the stars at night. Burger. Yup, that is the food I eat at the cafeteria near my dorm. Yummy!
Anyway, it taste nice coz I love to eat burger with the blackpepper sauce topping. Signing out..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A New World

Hi there.. It's been a long time I didn't post any new current event. I am sorry about that. By the way, just want to tell you guys that I am in Skudai, Johor right now. Far away from home and the one I love. Anyway, I am pursuing my studies there in the course that I am taking which is Electrical and Electronics Engineering in UTM. I am glad that I am here because it is my first choice of my university when I apply in the Ministry of Education online. UTM, is a huge place. That one thing I can say..Although I have not explore the entire campus yet. I also found that from my last Labuan Matriculation College student, there is a lot of my friends from my lecture come here to pursue my study. I went to the regisstration together with my lovable daddy and mummy. They are very happy when I got this course. I would like to say infinity of thanks to all that helping me, especially my family, that always support me. My friends, Franco, Luke, Albert, Patrissa..just want to name a few. And also my lectures and teacher..I love you all.

Last Reunion


Me and my mum at my Perdana college,

TRANSFORMERS by the mechatronic engineering student.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Singing Bear

I was sitting near the kitchen just now. And it was a delight + fearful = ?? I don't know how it sound like. My sister is at the kitchen. We should cook octopus like mom always did, which is " sotong masak kicap". But it was so mess up and we were arguing over this matter. You know brother and sister, always want to fight with each other. Well, I decided to cook it my way. Although I know that the octopus will hop here and there in the pan. My idea is to fry it as it is so tasteful and quite a long time I haven't eat fried octopus. While waiting, I read a story book. It was on the table. My little brother who owns it. I took the book and start reading. It is quite fun reading the book. the bear is actually singing. Wow! hee~ actually the bear is trapped in the forest. This is because the bear accidentally step the trap. Then, the bear start singing and singing until a boy heard him. The boy want to help him, but the boy have not enough strength to help the bear. With the voice that the bear have, he asked the bear to teach him how to sing. One day, the king make an audition. The audition is about searching the best singer to become one of the minister. Many people show up, including the boy. the first contestant, have a very soft and beautiful voice. The second contestant have a loud voice, just like Jacquline Victor. Then, it come to the boy. The boy asked for a special request. he want to sing where the beast in the jungle can hear him sing. The king bring the boy to the top of the castle. then, he said to the boy, " Since I have bring you up here, let's proceed with your singing." The boy agree and he start to open his mouth. It was so perfect. The song matched with the one that the bear sing and it was amazing. It was actually the bear who is singing that beautiful song.
The boy honestly tell the king that he was not the one who sing the song. It was the bear. The boy ask the king to release the bear so that he can be free. The king then granted the bear with a gift, which is becoming the minister of the country. Hmm.. I wonder how a bear can become a minister..THE END~

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gawai Celebration and the History of Bung Bratak

1st MAY..it was the first time I join this celebration..nice going celebration and I tell you why. 1st of May, we are celebrating the day of Bung Bratak. It was a historical place by the Bidayuh..here is a history of it.


Bung Bratak is the ancestral home of the Bidayuhs of the Jagoi-Bratak group in Bau and Lundu Districts.

It is confirmed by the historians and researchers that Bung Bratak was founded probably more than 750 years ago. Some believe that the Bung Bratak's original settlers came from Sungkong, now a part of the Indonesian Province of the West Kalimantan.

For hundreds of years, the people of Bung Bratak lived peacefully,planting rice and other subsistence crops at the foot-hills that surround the hilltop. This lasted until the settlement was attacked and razed to the ground on 1st May 1838 by raiders from the Skrang area.

Bung Bratak was rebuilt by 1841 under the leadersship of Panglima Kulow, who sought the assistance of Rajah James Brooke, the first White Rajah of Sarawak.

During its 700 over years of existence, the people of Bung Bratak went to establish other settlements and villages. Now, there are over thirty villages in Bau and Lundu Districts, one at Penrissen ( Kuching District) and seven at Seluas District at West Kalimantan, Indonesia, that originated from Bung Bratak.

Because of its historical significance, Bidayuhs of Jagoi-Bratak area visit Bung Bratak on 1st May each year to commemorate its fall in 1838, and to remember its past and origin.

Bung Bratak Day was initiated and proclaimed by the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) in 1938, then headed by Dato' Peter Minos..

The source is taken from the flyers that given to me. Any information that is type wrong in this blog.. please leave comment.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

I have just finished my matriculation programme a few days ago. What a big relief..aaa.. I still remember what we have just done inn matriculation programme. Swimming in a “pond”, become DJ at the dorm, going out from “the escape route” and so on. In this blog, I don’t want to stress about my study because I don’t want to talk about it. A lot of picture in this blog, especially from my own tutorial. Hope you all enjoy it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


KICK off to the Chinese New Year this 26th of january 2009. Wow.. in that day many things happen to me in a zap.. Fuyooh.. i meet my old best friends Wilson, Joseph, Francis, and not to forget, Nanat.. I miss you all so much la.. Never mind, still got 8 more weeks before we end our matriculation programme here. I think that I only enter my blog when I am in my college. Very active. Butif at my own house with 24-7 on the net, I think I will be blown off. I can't stand it. Surely I go jalan-jalan meet my friends, if not I go to take my brother to school. Sadly, my test is almost here. But it is almost the end of the programme. Hehehe..blog and friendster always my one stop to talk with my friends after a tired day in Labuan. For your info, I think that I have completely used all the facilities in this college. The track, field, tennis arena, the gymnasium, this old cyber cafe.. and the library. ..haha.. I think I stop my writing at here for a while. So, happy holiday to you all!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LONG .. Long Enuf

Hey, me now at Kuching, my lovable place with the mouth watering kolo mee... Umph..that is so damn tasty. Long, long enough i didn't update my blog since i come back to Kuching. Well, too busy playing, going here and there.. haha.. tinggal 2 bulan lagi dah habis dah matriks.. hehe.. maybe then i go work or what and my my own a dslr..btw, to all my chinese friends..HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and dun forget my angpow arr...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My !st post of the 09'

Hey, it's already 11 days ago that i still remember bout the New Year's celebration. Um, nid to study first. Tomorrow is the judgment day!