Monday, December 01, 2008

New : Entire Life Food offer

3Oth November is such a nice date to look on. We have this kind of package. Special, limited offer.. Surprisingly, the college has given us lots of free foods.. And talking about food, i am into it. It haas been a long time I didn't give some sharing at my own blog. I am quite busy yesterday. Lot's of energy have been used up during the day and thank God, we have food. FOOD for LIFE baby!!

After an hour nap at my room, my friend, Franco, jumping and laughing like a monkey. So what happened next? In a shock, I ask Franco what is going on.

" Can't you see what is on my hand right now? FOOD!!"

Without further thinking, I run as fast as lightning, trying to search for the food. My friend, Ruben, give me a stack of polysterene bags full of noodlesto me and I am glad with that. Anyway, signing out to enjoy my meal!!
The Lucky Man holding the PACKAGES!!

poor little kitty.. nah give you something to eat..
Franco, with joy having the food!! Eat while you still can.
There is a lot more to go... chaiyo2.. gambateh man! eat to the limit!!

1 comment:

LadyBulan said...

matt..that's alot of FOOD..and miawmiaw oso enjy mkn..hahhaa!! gud day fud..and budget pun dpt maintain..ahhaha!