Saturday, October 25, 2008

Life in the study week and study...
well, life in the coolest part of hell is always like that. Of course, you know. This this the real life of matriculation.
Right now, i am in front of my laptop, and busy typing this post. This is the only free time I can do such a relief-stress kind of thing. 3 days from now, we will having our final. The first subject to be tested is English. I am not really doing well in my essay but hopefully I can try my best on that day. I figured out that I am not doing good in Physics, a killer subject for me from getting an "A". but that is not impossible. Physics consist of 16 Chapter and I am glad, I am on the right track whereby I managed to learn 10 chapters at the moment. Maths and Chemistry are okay, but need a little bit of improvement. For your info, actually i am tired and sick of this unusual phenomena, nothing, I mean I have never experience such thing like this. I still remember one things, try and try the best! Save me from this "hell"! but I need to study for the future.. haha..
As i am kind of bored, let's review the past...
Well, this is the video that will be judge by the lectures of KML. Let's story morey for a while..
This video is about the life of a HIV positve patient and I am the actor.. I haven't have the time to upload to youtube, but if I get the permission from the director, then I upload it. a thousand thanks to Mr. Luke Kenny for being the director of this 60seconds video, Mr. Franco Joseph, crew and director of Speedo.. thanks a lot.
Actually we are not planned to do this video, really.. THE PAST is actually our plan C. After calculate, we estimated that we only use 1 day to finish this video. The poster? Actually the photo is taken by me and edited by Luke. Wow, Mr Luke really do a one-man job. okay enough for the muvee...
I m signing out.. Daa

1 comment:

[L][o][v][e] said...

dear...i need more info about your movie "the past"...hey, if you got permission from ur director just burn dat movie "the past" for me...pliz.....i dont want upload from u tube...ask ur director pliz.....