Today is Saturday, 18th Oct 2008...umm, having our Math's shopping today. Wake up at around 7 am but my friend Luke" suggest" to me to sleep again as we sleep at around then, I wake up at 7.30.
(Luke and Franco still sleeping.) Quickly I take my hp and start playing games. Bored playing 4 30 min, I still found that both of my friend still sleeping. What I do is to wake them both, but I didn't managed to wake them op Sadly today, I take my both alone.... then after taking bath, Harris went to our room. On that moment, I am having a sip of Milo in front of the study table. At 9 pm, I went
to Dewan Mutiara for Math's shopping. Math's shopping allow student "buy" math's question and if they answer it correctly they will be awarded with I point ..some sort of"Bonuslink". I managed to answer 13 questions. Because of greediness, I didn't have any prize that I could redeem with.... Luke, Franco and Haris did help me a lot, thanks to them... My friend, Albert won the 1st prize... congrats Albert!!
Oh girl, why are you so sad? Don't cry.. it is just a game..
Chapter 8: Differentiation. I love this chapter.
Reedem Counter!!
Yay, I won 1st prize!! Nah, just joking..I stole this prize from Albert.
Math's Shopping. See you next semester.
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