Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Ever Math's Shopping in the World!

Today is Saturday, 18th Oct 2008...umm, having our Math's shopping today. Wake up at around 7 am but my friend Luke" suggest" to me to sleep again as we sleep at around then, I wake up at 7.30.
(Luke and Franco still sleeping.) Quickly I take my hp and start playing games. Bored playing 4 30 min, I still found that both of my friend still sleeping. What I do is to wake them both, but I didn't managed to wake them op Sadly today, I take my both alone.... then after taking bath, Harris went to our room. On that moment, I am having a sip of Milo in front of the study table. At 9 pm, I went
to Dewan Mutiara for Math's shopping. Math's shopping allow student "buy" math's question and if they answer it correctly they will be awarded with I point ..some sort of"Bonuslink". I managed to answer 13 questions. Because of greediness, I didn't have any prize that I could redeem with.... Luke, Franco and Haris did help me a lot, thanks to them... My friend, Albert won the 1st prize... congrats Albert!!

Oh ya, this is the registration counter. During the Math's shopping, we need to register at this counter.

Yup, that's me.. thinking and solving math's question.

Oh girl, why are you so sad? Don't cry.. it is just a game..

Chapter 8: Differentiation. I love this chapter.

Reedem Counter!!

Yay, I won 1st prize!! Nah, just joking..I stole this prize from Albert.

Math's Shopping. See you next semester.

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